UPRA Rodeo

The Jim Bowie Days Rodeo is one of the largest rodeos in Texas that encourages amateur athletes to compete with UPRA sanctioned professionals.  With the fantastic support that we receive from our community, our sponsors and  The City of Bowie, we are enjoying our 8th year of UPRA sanctioning.  

We are proud of the added money that we have been able to award our competitors each year.  We are very proud to continue our $12,000 added money spread between the UPRA Events.  Opening of the Books will be announced soon.  Registration is via the UPRA NextGen app.  For more info on the app, please check out the details at http://www.urodeo.com/nextgen_rodeo.htm .   

We are honored to have TNT Rodeo providing our rough stock again this year and believe that we will continue to provide an amazing show for one and all.  Thursday will kick off our UPRA events with Slack followed by our Presentation events on Friday and Saturday.  Friday's and Saturday's rodeos will be followed by a dance.  For performers, please refer to our schedule of events. Tickets for the Friday & Saturday dances are $10.